

class ruruki.graphs.Graph

In-memory graph database.

See IGraph for doco.

class ruruki.graphs.PersistentGraph(path=None, auto_create=False)

Persistent Graph database storing data to a file system.

See IGraph for doco.

   |_ vertices
   |     |_ constraints.json (file)
   |     |_ label
   |     |     |_ 0
   |     |        |_ properties.json (file)
   |     |        |_ in-edges
   |     |        |     |_ 0 -> ../../../../edges/label/0 (symlink)
   |     |        |_ out-edges
   |     |              |_
   |     |
   |     |_ label
   |     |    |_ 1
   |     |         |_ properties.json (file)
   |     |          |_ in-edges
   |     |          |     |_
   |     |          |_ out-edges
   |     |                |_ 0 -> ../../../../edges/label/0 (symlink)
   |_ edges
         |_ label
                 |_ properties.json (file)
                 |_ head
                 |   |_ 0 -> ../../../vertices/0 (symlink)
                 |_ tail
                     |_ 1 -> ../../../vertices/1 (symlink)
  • path (str) – Path to ruruki graph data on disk. If None, then a temporary path will be created, else passing in a path to an empty directory will result in the creation of the graph data in the provided path.
  • auto_create (bool) – If True, then missing vertices or edges directories will be created.